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Biden's Beautiful White House at "Tyler Perry Studios," Atlanta, Georgia.

Tyler Perry moved his "Tyler Perry Studios" to a new production facility in Atlanta, Georgia back in 2019, after selling his previous studio location in 2018. He acquired the enormous 330 acre piece of land back in 2015. The production facility is one of the largest in the USA, and is said to be bigger than Disney, Paramount, Sony and Warner Bros studios, combined. The facility was built at the old "Fort McPherson" Military base that borders the northern edge of the city of East Point, Georgia. It was the headquarters for the U.S. Army Installation Management Command, Southeast Region; the U.S. Army Forces Commend; the U.S. Army Reserve Command and the U.S. Army Central.

One of the most amazing parts of the facility is the White House replica that was built in 2019. It is an exact replica of the White House. It is indistinguishable from the White House when you cannot see the rest of the surrounding facility. I find it extremely convenient that the White House replica was built in 2019, which provided just enough time to complete the project and make any required changes, about a year before the actor and hologram known as "the new Joe Biden," would cheat his way to an illegitimate win in the 2020 election and then fake his role as President of the USA CORP. "The Biden Show" is not allowed at the real White House in D.C. because the new Biden is not actually the President of anything. The real White House in D.C. is inaccessible, as it is under Military control and completely fenced off. There was a "Marine One" helicopter spotted landing at the real White House about a week ago, I'm sure you can guess who was inside. It wasn't the fake Biden, that's for sure.

Tyler Perry has a show on BET called "The Oval," which is the publicized reason why the White House replica was built. This is no different than buying a laundromat to use as a business "front" and money laundering operation, for a person conducting illicit activities. It makes perfect sense that "The Oval" is the legitimate reason for the replica, where "The Biden Show" is the illicit activity going behind the scenes.

It has become rather apparent that "Biden" is both an actor and hologram, depending on the false depiction they are trying to portray to the sleeping masses. The end of "The Biden Show" is going to be an unforgettable ending. Make sure you buy your tickets before they're sold out.

(**Disclaimer** Sorry, due to Covid-19 we will not be making "The Biden Show" available to view in theater. You will need to watch from your home.)

Skip to 3:17 in the below video:

Tyler Perry Studios hosted the Democratic Presidential Debate back in 2019.

The below image are from the inside of the White House replica.

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