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In The Very Near Future, You Will Realize That I Handed You The KEY To Generational Wealth

Happy Saturday soul family. I hope you're all doing well!

I wanted to share a few video clips with you to show you that we are getting closer and closer to the price of XRP LAUNCHING INTO A DIFFERENT GALAXY. I've told you before that the reason I decided to speak up and give everybody this life changing information is simply because I want all of you to create generational wealth. I want you to be able to live a worry free life, where you have the financial ability to help out your friends and loved ones who are in need. I've only had good intentions with all of the info I've given you pertaining to this subject. I've never directly told you to invest in XRP, XLM, XDC, ALGO, IOTA (etc.) but instead, I've given you the knowledge required to fuel your own research and make a decision on your own.

Do you really think I would risk my reputation if I wasn't 100% sure about what I've been telling you?


Just yesterday some information leaked about a patent application that specifically names Ripple and XRP as the technology and currency that will be used to settle financial transactions for all cross border payments. Even bigger than that, this same document proves the SWIFT will be integrated with the XRPLedger and run on the XRPL. That bit of information is literally life changing. It's another affirmation that we are on the right path. If you don't know what SWIFT is, then you can read their Wikipedia page. SWIFT stands for "Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication."

"As of 2018, around half of all high-value cross-border payments worldwide used the SWIFT network.[1] As of 2015, SWIFT linked more than 11,000 financial institutions in more than 200 countries and territories, who were exchanging an average of over 32 million messages per day (compared to an average of 2.4 million daily messages in 1995).[2] SWIFT transports financial messages in a highly secure way but does not hold accounts for its members and does not perform any form of clearing or settlement."
"SWIFT has become the industry standard for syntax in financial messages. Messages formatted to SWIFT standards can be read and processed by many well-known financial processing systems, whether or not the message traveled over the SWIFT network. SWIFT cooperates with international organizations for defining standards for message format and content. SWIFT is also Registration authority (RA) for the following ISO standards: [11]
ISO 9362: 1994 Banking – Banking telecommunication messages – Bank identifier codes
ISO 10383: 2003 Securities and related financial instruments – Codes for exchanges and market identification (MIC)
ISO 13616: 2003 IBAN Registry
ISO 15022: 1999 Securities – Scheme for messages (Data Field Dictionary) (replaces ISO 7775)
ISO 20022-1: 2004 and ISO 20022-2:2007 Financial services – Universal Financial Industry message scheme"

You see my friends... just like I explained to you months ago, the entire SEC vs. Ripple lawsuit is a sham. It's an act. It's a setup. It was meant to make XRP a legal crypto, so the banks could start using it. The lawsuit was meant to establish regulatory clarity for cryptocurrency in the USA, and the lawsuit will be used as the standard for the regulation of the entire crypto industry. 99% of cryptos will all be gone after regulation. You need to keep that in mind if you are holding onto coins that have a low probability of surviving regulation.

Anyways, here are a few video clips that I wanted to share with you.

What Price Did He Say Per XRP?

This is "Bitboy Crypto," a Bitcoin maximalist and influencer who is well known throughout crypto. Bitboy is a XRP HATER who has said nothing positive about XRP in the past. However, that was until about 1.5 months ago when a contact of his in the financial industry told him that he was wrong and that XRP is "the one because the banks have already agreed to use it. He changed his tune very quickly and now speaks highly of XRP. He still pretends that he doesn't like XRP, but still holds a good amount of it because he knows it will be the one to succeed on a level that we’ve never seen before. He compared investing in XRP to betting on a football team that you hate. He said “It hurts to root for them, but you know they’re going to win so you put your money on them anyways.” 🤣🤣 (butthurt much?)

The below video was the first one he put out where he quickly changed his tune about XRP. LOL!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Please understand one thing...

When XRP goes to the moon, many people will become wealthy. Many good people who know how this world works, will become wealthy. I'm talking about tens of thousands of very intelligent, aware human beings who will never be corrupted by the "old guard." This is the time when we are going to form the most epic collective of people who possess the knowledge, critical thinking skills, intent and wealth required to do something amazing for the world. What most people don't realize is that you can fit all of these so called "elites" in one big room, because there are so few of them. Well let me ask you this... what happens when all of the sudden, tens of thousands of good people acquire enough wealth to heavily outnumber these so called "elites?" Ill tell you what happens... PAYBACK.

Have a great weekend and remember, this transfer of wealth has never happened before, and mark my fucking words... IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. I am banned on Facebook at the moment, but I will be back in September. For anybody who would like to work one on one with me to learn how to invest in XRP or any of the other ISO20022 coins that will be converted into digital assets... or anything about crypto in general, I've been doing consulting sessions for the last few months. Everyone who has worked with me has been great and I've been able to help every single one of them achieve whatever it is they seek. You can contact me on FB messenger or send me an email through the website if you are interested in consulting sessions.




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