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Simpsons Season 33 XRP/CBDC's/Potential Dollar Crash Subliminals

Good afternoon to you all. It's just another Monday... in the matrix. Although I am banned on FakeBook for another 26 days, I am still there in spirit!


You may or may not have noticed that I redesigned the look of my entire website about 4 days ago. I am much happier with the new format, and have been wanting to simplify everything to make it look cleaner. With that being said, I have also added a "Crypto Consulting" section to the site. This was added because many people have been messaging me to schedule a consultation and it became too time consuming to break down the services that I offer to everyone who reached out. If you are one of those people who are interested in working with me one on one, please go to the consulting page and fill out your information at the bottom. I will email you within 24 hours of receiving your request.


I felt compelled to share this screenshot with you and then breakdown the subliminal significance that they're shoving RIGHT IN OUR FUCKING FACE.

This is from the season premiere of The Simpsons, which aired last night, 09.26.2021. This premiere kicked off season number 33.

Now without further ado, lets dive right in. Shall we?

Season 33, Episode 1. Timestamp 1:03
  • This was the premiere of season 33. If you don't understand the significance of this number, I suggest you smoke a joint (or a blunt, or a dab, or some wax, or some shatter, or some live resin, or take some cannabis oil, or take an ounce of some good weed... take 2 sticks of unsalted organic grass fed butter, add contents in a saucepan, cook on low for about 10 minutes until weed is nice and soggy. Take strainer, pour contents into strainer into a clean glass bowl. Throw out weed. Use butter in your favorite cookie recipe).

  • The timestamp of this screenshot in the episode is one minute and three seconds into the show. 1:03. In numerology we remove the 0's. This leaves us with lucky number 13. Once again, if you don't understand the significance of this number, I suggest you do the above (written in white).

  • The computer (top left) is sticking it's tongue out, and has eyes made of two X's. XX. Where else have we seen two X's lately?

  • Now, lets look bottom left over at the US dollar. Hmm, that's funny. It looks like a dollar, but... it's not a dollar. A dollar is worth... you guessed it... one dollar. Or, 100 pennies. Yet, this dollar seems to read "Zero Dollars and Zero Cents." This definitely makes a lot of cents! (Dad joke).

  • We also have two planes crashing and exploding. This seems to be a reference to the sound it would make, which would sound something like... BOOMMMMM!!!! Boom/dollar crash/etc.

  • There is a toolbox next to the (not a) dollar. This has to represent some type of work or remodel of this (used to be a) dollar. Interesting that at this exact moment, the US has already completed their CBDC (central bank digital currency) which will probably be dubbed "The Digital Dollar." If you've read any recent news on this you would've noticed that the Fed has said they are "working on a CBDC." This means that the US CBDC is already complete and preparing for launch.

  • These well known Simpsons characters are standing on a stage with spotlights focusing on them. This one is simple. The stage is telling you that what we’re about to witness is... ALL A FUCKING SHOW.

  • These 7 characters who are standing on the stage, are nothing more than actors, playing the roles they've been given... in this giant show. I'm sure the number 7 has significance, but nothing is coming to mind. Maybe October 7th or November 7th or December 7th could be a significant date in the upcoming show? Interesting enough, October 7th just so happens to be a THURSDAY. Thursday's are significant because back on OCTOBER 24TH, 1929, the stock market had an epic crash which led to the Great Depression. This happened on a Thursday, and the day was branded in history as "Black Thursday.”

  • I also noticed that there are 12 ropes hanging. This could signify December.

There is probably more to this photo. The bottom line is that we are very close to a major event that will bring in the new financial system. If you are invested in XRP you must realize that we are getting close to the first moon of many to come. These moons will lead all the way up to 2025, until XRP reaches a settled value of $10,000 - $50,000.

Time to make sure your XRP bags are packed and you are ready for liftoff. You wouldn't forgive yourself if you knew this was going to happen and you didn't do everything in your power to take part in the biggest WEALTH TRANSFER in human history. This is an event that has never happened and it will never happen again. The scales have been tipped and it is time for good people who were fortunate enough to figure this out... to generate generational wealth that can be used to help others and literally save humanity. If you are one of those lucky individuals who didn't figure this out on your own, but were lucky enough to find me on the internet... then MORE POWER TO YOU. You literally won the life lottery. Do something good with your money. Help someone out. Get with me and my team and help build something amazing.

Welp, I hope you all have a great night. Until next time... #3030vision

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