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"The Dream"

Updated: May 6, 2021

A Predictive Programming Nightmare

Seattle, Washington - December 31st, 2020

Every year, Seattle Washington has one of the most popular "new years eve" fireworks displays in the country. It always takes place at the Space Needle, which is an iconic landmark known around the world. Seattle is the birthplace of Starbucks and the 1993 romantic comedy, "Sleepless in Seattle," which starred Meg Ryan and the man who fell from grace.. pedophile and all around sick fuck, Tom Hanks. When I close my eyes and picture the city of Seattle, an image of the Space Needle" sitting in front of this beautiful city comes to mind.

This year, there wouldn't be any amazing fireworks display due to the "unfortunate" "extremely deadly virus" they call ho - shit - 19. For the first time in recent memory, new years eve didn't feel like a celebratory day, it just felt like any other day we've had since the pandemic began in March. Mainstream media outlets in Seattle, were reporting that "Seattleites" were very upset that their normal new years fireworks display at the "needle" was not going to happen this year. The amazing people at T-Mobile announced that they would be giving the people of Seattle, an amazing "virtual" fireworks display that they could enjoy from the comfort of their own homes. This way Seattleites could still celebrate, while staying away from the shocking death in the streets and extremely sick people you see at every turn. This is a "pandemic" after all, not a "Scamdemic."

T-Mobile dubbed this event "New Years At The Needle."

If you haven't seen the virtual fireworks display, you're probably wondering why I'm taking the time to talk about something that's so boring and irrelevant.

It's because the virtual show literally had nothing to do with the celebration of the new year. It was meant to mock the public by hiding a ridiculous amount of predictive programming imagery, and the full scope of their hidden agenda against the citizens of the world. It was a clever way for a group of technocratic psychopaths, that go by the name "transhumanists," to literally grab us by the head, and drag our faces through a football field of shit. The presentation was called "The Dream," but trust me, it isn't my dream and it damn sure isn't your dream. It's the transhumanist dream of achieving total control over humanity, in a way that no one could escape.. There are many things being depicted in this presentation, and I want to try my best to break down what the overall message is. Many people know that "Covid" is not an actual name. "C.O.V.I.D." is an anagram that stands for "CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION IDENTIFICATION." This is because the entire pandemic was engineered to be a fear causing catalyst that would serve as a precursor for the total domination of humanity.


Bill Gates Lives In Seattle What A Coincidence

Surprised? I didn't think so. What a coincidence that Bill is heavily involved in the entire Covid scam, invested financially and emotionally in the vaccines, biometric identification, and all out control of humanity. This is nothing we haven't seen before. It's the psychopaths using manufactured consent to get our permission for the crimes they continue to commit.

Manufactured Consent:

"A system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion by means of the propaganda model of communication."

There's never a mass crime committed in this world, without the perpetrators making an effort to tell you exactly what they're doing or going to do to you, in a subtle or indirect way. This is why those of us who have been studying for many years, are always trying to show people that movies and teLIEvision programs have hidden truths within them. The psychopathic elitists are truly demented, and they believe that by using manufactured consent, their hands are clean from all crimes they've committed and continue to commit against humanity. It's a really dumb way of looking at things, but this is what they tell themselves so they can sleep at night after committing atrocity after atrocity all in the name of profit, power and control. It's almost like they're saying "If you're too fucking dumb to see the clues we're giving you, in relation to "real life," then you deserve everything we're doing to you." This is dumb because on one hand they're telling you it's your fault for being ignorant to their symbolism and on the other hand they are the ones programming humanity to remain in a state of docility.


Moderna Admits on Their Own Website That They Are Putting Software In Your Body

From The Moderna Website:

"Our Operating System

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein. We have a dedicated team of several hundred scientists and engineers solely focused on advancing Moderna's platform technology. They are organized around key disciplines and work in an integrated fashion to advance knowledge surrounding mRNA science and solve for challenges that are unique to mRNA drug development. Some of these disciplines include mRNA biology, chemistry, formulation & delivery, bioinformatics and protein engineering.

Our mRNA Medicines – The ‘Software of Life’

When we have a concept for a new mRNA medicine and begin research, fundamental components are already in place. Generally, the only thing that changes from one potential mRNA medicine to another is the coding region – the actual genetic code that instructs ribosomes to make protein. Utilizing these instruction sets gives our investigational mRNA medicines a software-like quality. We also have the ability to combine different mRNA sequences encoding for different proteins in a single mRNA investigational medicine. We are leveraging the flexibility afforded by our platform and the fundamental role mRNA plays in protein synthesis to pursue mRNA medicines for a broad spectrum of diseases.

Within a given modality, the base components are generally identical across development candidates - formulation, 5’ region and 3’ region. Only the coding region varies based on the protein/s the potential medicine is directing cells to produce."


"The Dream" Predictive Programming Nightmare

Please watch the below fireworks show in its entirety. This presentation is a Predictive Programming Nightmare turning into reality.

You will notice that the there is another longer version of this video, that shows a countdown to new years eve. The news affiliate that posted the other version on youtube will not allow it to be shared from another website. The below version is from the company that helped create it "Maxin10sity." You will see that the countdown is also relevant in the message being esoterically displayed in this presentation and I share a video of the countdown below. If you would like to see the other version which is about 20 seconds longer, I've added the link below the youtube video.


Predictive Programming and Esoteric Symbolism As A Warning To Humanity

I'm going to break this down the way I see it. There is so much going on in this video that there will be many things I've missed, that maybe others can shine some light on.

This entire virtual presentation was not about the new year or fireworks, it's all about the transhumanist psychopaths telling us that they are closer than they've ever been to achieving their ultimate goal. What is their ultimate goal? The merging of technology, artificial intelligence and the human being... which means total control of humanity. It's about their secret plan to modify the human genome with AI which is already underway by way of their biggest scam ever, the covid 19 "vaccine." I put "vaccine" in quotations because what they are giving the unsuspecting, fearful populations of the world is not a vaccine and does not even remotely resemble a vaccine. It's a software upgrade by using a genetically modified/artificial/synthetic cell line to open up a direct pathway to the human genome, so that artificial intelligence can enter and convert humanity from human beings into the trans-human being 2.0. This might sound like a movie, but I assure you, this is exactly what's happening right now. While society is distracted by worrying about whether or not people will have an adverse reaction to the "vaccine," very few people are thinking about the bigger picture, which is: “what will happen when a large percentage of the world has just allowed their genome to be infiltrated by AI?”

This is the attack by "Silicon Valley" against the population. Human beings are carbon based life forms. Carbon based life has reached a point where all of the predictive programming science fiction films that we grew up watching are coming to life. Skynet is here and I haven't seen any real John Connor's around that can stop it. We are dealing with transhumanists that are obsessed with cognitive computing. Cognitive computing isn't about machines augmenting calculations for us, it's about them recognizing patterns without us teaching or programming them to do it. Cognitive computing is about machines having the ability and awareness to sift through data, digitize our experiences without us doing anything or having the ability to say "go" or "stop." It can and will drive our cars and all in all make decisions just like we do. This is AI on a different level and many people have started to use the term "silicon intelligence" as opposed to the popularized "artificial intelligence." Now you know what Silicon Valley A.K.A. big tech is working tirelessly to achieve. Again, human beings are carbon-based, which means you can call our intelligence CI or carbon Intelligence. Once we reach the point where a machine is intelligent and can do things equal to or beyond our own abilities, that intelligence is not really artificial anymore, it's "silicon-based" or SI.

The video begins with a countdown to the new year. Notice that the numbers are inside of a star gate.

The star gate disappears and we see a firework. This firework represents the Covid 19 virus exploding all over the world. It's magenta because T-Mobile is involved in this virtual presentation, and their company color is Magenta. It makes sense that T-Mobile is part of this because a huge part of the transhumanism agenda involves 5G (and then 6G and so on and so forth) being rolled out all over the world. 5G is the minimum speed required to run their smart grids, smart cities, the IoT (internet of things) and to bring human consciousness online. The virtual show starts off with the Covid explosion because Covid is that catalyst that sparked their plan into action.

The next thing we are shown is something that resembles a cloudy cluster of stars, being sucked up by some sort of vacuum into the bottom of the tower. After seeing this sequence, I knew exactly what the reference was about. This is depicting a portal opening up to pull in the plasmatic plane, which NASA calls the "Van Allen Belt" into our earthly reality. The Gnostic creation texts clearly state that Yaldabaoth (The Demiurge) was hidden in the thick cloud of plasmatic plane: "Most likely, out of pride, Sophia wanted to emulate the Invisible Spirit (the Father) by producing an image of her. However, Sophia did not consult the Father before doing this. Sophia had the power to procreate, but lacked the necessary knowledge. Sophia became horrified at the sight of her creation. He was an ugly, imperfect creature with a body of a serpent and the face of a lion. He had eyes of fire. Sophia called her child Yaldabaoth. Out of shame and disgust, Sophia cast Yaldabaoth out of her pleroma and hid him in a thick cloud."

Why do you think Apple named their invisible storage server "iCloud"?

Esoteric references to the "cloud" can be seen all throughout our society. Do you remember when CERN was conducting their CLOUD experiment under the guise of trying to solve "global warming?" Do you remember what happened above CERN when the experiment went live? They opened a cloudy portal, one that resembles the portal being shown in the new years eve presentation. This doesn't feel like "new years" anymore.

This sequence may also represent technology being injected into the human body, It also looks similar to the cloud-like consistency seen inside of the human body when a vaccine or fluid is injected. Of course, it wasn't a mistake that the transhumanists created this presentation at the Space Needle of all places. They're always playing with words.

This scene is pretty self explanatory once you understand the entire theme and story of this virtual presentation. The above images are depicting AI circuitry being born inside the human body, by way of the Covid "vaccine," which will connect humanity 2.0 to machine. This is also meant to mock humanity in general because it's meant to look like the tree of life has been taken over by AI. This is also representative of them mapping your body and preparing you to be connected to the "network." Now you see why T-Mobile is involved. On April 1st, 2020, T-Mobile and Sprint merged in a 26 billion dollar deal. This should be of no surprise, as many major corporations have been consolidating control to create conglomerates that are so large, that they literally dominate the world. (Cough, Cough.. Amazon).

The (not a ) vaccine uses messenger RNA technology. It should be noted that it's already possible to merge many different types of RNA technology with artificial intelligence and bioinformatics. Bioinformatics is a huge part of this entire agenda, because their goal is not only about monitoring you, but uploading information and pulling real-time data from your body. They will be able to implant thoughts in your mind while removing past memories that might be threatening to their agenda. They will be able to monitor your thoughts in real-time and use AI machine learning algorithms to predict future thoughts. Hence, "Minority Report" thought crimes.

Bioinformatics is a sub-discipline of biology and computer science, that's concerned with the acquisition, storage, analysis, and dissemination of biological data, most often DNA and amino acid sequences. If people are allowing a patented genetically modified cell line to enter their DNA, they need to consider the extremely high probability that the genetically modified cell line is patented. You cannot patent anything that grows naturally within our world. Whether it be seeds that are produced to grow plants or food, to anything organic that grows in our bodies. Monsanto is the prime example. They took organic food that could not be patented, and created a genetically modified, less nutritious version that could be patented. This is the exact same premise. If you allow anything that was created by someone or something to infiltrate your body, you are giving consent to the owner of the patent. It is 100% legal for the owner of the patent to acquire, store (current or new information), analyze, and disseminate any type of information they wanted from their "product," because, it is their right to do so. It's your body, but it's their technology, and their technology is now part of your DNA. Dr. Carrie Madej was one of the first people to expose and shine light on this.

In this scene they are showing you that the artificial tree of life has created DNA. This is two strand DNA (Jacobs Ladder) creating a new spark of life. Another spark is shown and the two strands start to merge into one.

This is representative of artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and genomics intersecting.

(Side Note) In 2019, Caltech created synthetic biochemical circuits that are able to perform information processing at the molecular level. An artificial neural network that consists of DNA instead of computer hardware and software. This is called "synthetic biology," which is the area of biotechnology that involves the design and engineering of new biological entities or the redesign of existing biological systems. Genomics is a branch of biotechnology that applies techniques of molecular biology and genetics to the genetic mapping and DNA sequencing of sets of genes or complete genomes of organisms. This is all being rubbed in our faces.. but most will never even know it before they willingly allow it to happen.

Now, the two strand DNA that has merged into one, has just created new life. It's created new life that appears to be a Merkabah. Merkabah represents the relationship between our spirit and a body of light surrounding it. Merkabah is shaped like a star and the Devine vehicle made of light that transcends our spirit through different realities and dimensions. This Merkabah seems to be created by artificial intelligence.

Notice below that hidden within the artificial intelligence Merkabah, is the esoteric symbol representing the religion crated by Aleister Crowley in the early 1900's called Thelema. They've hidden many things in this presentation. I know there is much that I've missed.

"Do What That Wilt"


The AI Merkabah causes a "big bang" and explodes into a zygote cell. A zygote is a fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm). In the embryonic development of humans and other animals, the zygote stage is brief and followed by cleavage, when the single cell becomes subdivided into smaller cells.

Well, would you look at that? As described above, the zygote has split. It splits into 2 cells to 4 cells to 8 cells to 16 cells. It maxes out at 16 cells and creates The Ouroboros. If you are unfamiliar, the Ouroboros is the ancient symbol of a Serpent biting its tail, forming a circle. The name "Ouroboros" comes from the Greek terms oura, meaning “tail,” and boros, meaning “devourer.” The “tail-devourer” represents the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The ouroboros is an important symbol in Alchemy and Magic.

Below is an illustration showing a zygote at the moment of fertilization. I've included this image to show you that there can be no other interpretation of what the transhumanists wanted to show you in the above sequence.

The zygote has matured and continues to grow.

The zygote has now grown into a cocoon. A transformation is going to occur.

Did you catch it? You might have to rewind and watch this transformation again, but the cocoon turns into a rabbit which births a Monarch Butterfly. The rabbit represents rebirth. A rebirth into the trans-human being 2.0.

The Monarch Butterfly is born and it represents spiritual journey, life, death, and transformation. It also represents TOTAL MIND CONTROL. MKULTRA. The Monarch Butterfly can also represent our spiritual journey, life, death, and transformation. This is the transformation of the human into human 2.0, into a total mind control state.

Elon Musk, talking about the potential uses of RNA technology


All of Elon's companies are an asset and will be an asset to transhumanism. His company Starlink is deploying 12,000 satellites, with a possible extension to 42,000 to setup world-wide 5G internet from space. His company OpenAI is focused on AI/Machine Learning, specifically owning the best AI system in the world. Competitive Gaming, which focuses on producing "better-than-human AI's." His company NEURALINK is focused on prosthetics, medicine, military and robots.. all in relation to artificial intelligence. Tesla already makes self driving cars, but as the smart grids and smart cities begin to function, he will use the IoT (internet of things) with AI, which is going to create "the artificial intelligence of things"... AIoT.

War of the worlds reenactment. AI (alien) invasion. Artificial intelligence connecting to the entire 3D realm. It's tentacles are represented with lily pads, as part of the Water Lily. In Ancient Egypt, the water lily represented the Sun, and was seen as a symbol of rebirth. They saw the "cycle of life" through the water lily.

Now they're reenacting the allegorical story of the "Two Beasts" from Revelation in the Bible. This is "The Beast From The Earth" being formed with AI out of the top of the water lily.

Again, the "Two Beasts." This represents "The Beast From The Sea."

“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…”

The focus on bioluminescence rising up the space Needle, could be a reference to "Luciferase," the bioluminescent enzyme that was made from fireflies.

The next sequence looks to be showing the stargate opening back up. The DNA "stairway to heaven" is being depicted in the middle. At the top you can see the "all seeing eye." 6 pillars on the left, 7 pillars on the right. This is a depiction of our altered DNA working properly in its new form. Human 2.0 is rising, as the human being is getting phased out. They are showing a Taurus symbol in the middle of the star gate. Taurus is a bull, and represents fertility and virility. One facet of bull or Taurus symbiology is conception. If you are unfamiliar with the term, "virility" is to men as fertility is to women. Taurus also represents the physical realm, which would also make sense because they are showing us the genetically modified conception of human 2.0, from the physical realm to the virtual realm. In astrology, the constellation of Taurus is very large with two well known star clusters. "The Hyades" and "The Pleiades." The brightest star in Taurus is the red giant "Aldebaran." It's name comes from the Arabic word al-dabarān, which means "the follower." Aldebaran is also called "the eye of the bull." In the Ancient Mystery schools this was called "the eye of illumination." The reference to "followers" and "illumination." What we're being shown can be looked at as a type of awakening, but a technological awakening.

We are again seeing the Lotus Flower. More rebirth symbology.

When I look at this next image and watch this part over and over, the only representation I can get from this is that these futuristic rings and spheres, that look like robots, are all ascending. To ascend is to rise or go up. The above image from this sequence looks like the process of uploading information, or in this case, our newly altered genetically modified DNA into an artificial intelligence hive mind.

Side note, In 2012, DARPA acknowledged a brain machine interface that is artificial intelligence (AI). They are using artificial intelligence and the human brain to form a neural network. Meaning, humans would have the ability to communicate by thought alone. That's how they would try to sell it to humanity, but as always, the only thing that really matters is the true purpose behind the publicized agenda. This would just be another way to influence us or control us. You can probably imaging that these transhumanist psychopaths weren't just going to try one way of trapping us in a virtual world of their choice, they would exhaust every possibility and then choose the one that they believed could actually be pulled off on a public scale.

Directly after the ascending robots make their way through the "upload," the entire Universe is now made up of virtual reality. This would align with the idea that the transhumanists want to upload humanity into a VR world where they have full control of human consciousness in perpetuity, or, forever.

The space needle has turned into a virtual orrery, which is ironic because many people have come up with the theory that the bodies or planets or "beings" in our Universe move because they are all attached their own "pole," and each pole is attached to an artificial orrery that rotates. If an orrery does exist outside of our holographic reality, someone or something would've had to build it.

The orrery has been shown in many movies and comics. Predictive programming is everywhere.

Orrery in Prometheus

Orrery in Tomb Raider

Orrery in The Dark Crystal

Orrery in The Dark Crystal

Orrery in DC Comics

Now they show us our virtual Universe fade out and a close up view of human beings stuck inside a virtual world. To me, based on everything I've seen in this presentation up until this point, this would mean that the upload was successful, our DNA pulled our consciousness into a virtual Universe, and now here we are, inside "the program."

Not much to say about this blob-like substance that takes over the space needle. It reminds me of black goo, except it's magenta and starts to take over the entire space needle. Again, magenta is representative of T-Mobile. T-Mobile and Sprint merged as I mentioned before, and they are currently launching 5G all over the world to make this transhumanist world possible. To me, this represents the complete takeover of humanity by artificial intelligence, and the literal end of life as it once was. The blob or goo, is literally eating our organic world and converting everything into the transhumanist nightmare.

AI based technology literally taking over the space needle, showing us that the time where our reality existed outside of their virtual world, is over. Reality has succumbed to AI and they're rubbing it in our face in this scene.

Huge explosion! They are showing us that our organic world has been destroyed by the transhumanist psychopaths.

Our old world is destroyed and our new world, which is really their world, emerges. They show us two giant AI faces. This sequence is showing is that the end game is total control and complete destruction of our human world.. and it's conversion into the transhumanist nightmare.. which is really.. their DREAM. Maybe that's why they (or, Bill) decided to call this presentation.. "The Dream."

End of my synopsis. If you have more to add, or you see something different than what I've explained, please share it. I'm sure there are other people who see much more than I do when I watch this.


Luciferase - The Devil Is In The Details

The Enzyme That Makes Quantum Dot Vaccinations A Reality

The transhumanists are hellbent (pun intended) on power and control. They want to be able to tell if you are in fact, their property, or if you remain a sovereign human being. The way they are planning on telling the difference, is via quantum dot vaccination technology. This technology will act as a mark, under your skin. This bioluminescent color can be seen in your body with the use of a special instrument. They call this bioluminescent technology "Luciferase." Yes, Luciferase. As in Lucifer. As in Light. As in Lumens. As in Luminescence or Luminescent. If you're religious you probably attribute this to Revelations or the mark of the beast. The reality that many people do not understand is that our entire world has been carefully crafted and created to honor and pay homage to many things that people only understand on the surface, in their skewed, watered down, publicized version.

Luciferase is a very unique enzyme, derived from fireflies. It’s a ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme‘ which is the chemical that will make the quantum dot vaccination readable through a special mobile device app or infrared light.

Luciferase will make the vaccination readable long after the victim has been injected, and functions as a mark.

The below image is included in the patent for this technology. I can't help but laugh when I look at the patent number. Gates is really mocking humanity on an insane level. And to think, there are still people who love Gates and defend him as if they know him on a personal level. Very creative patent number Bill.

Patent #WO2020060606; (World Order 2020 06-06-06)

According to the patent description, it works likes this: a transmitter in or on your body transmits to a device, such as your mobile smart phone. The patent does not detail exactly how data is transmitted from the body to device. It may be an implantable chip, as proposed by the organization ID2020. However, nanoparticles have recently been made to act as transmitters; Dr Charles Lieber, who was arrested recently for working for the Chinese Communist Party as well as Harvard U, is a leading expert in meshing electronics, nanoparticles and human tissue. The transmitters are most likely to be nanoparticles, as they can’t be removed from the body, same a chip. The human body activity, which may include thoughts, feelings, and real-time data-collection, is used to ‘mine’ a cryptocurrency. ‘Mining’ in cryptocurrency terms means the electronic ‘discovery’ of new crypto by solving complex algorithms, and the energy required to solve these complex mathematical equations can be generated by human movement. Activity is then rewarded with crypto currency (UBI?).

"[0005] Some exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may use human body activity associated with a task provided to a user as a solution to “mining” challenges in cryptocurrency systems. For example, a brain wave or body heat emitted from the user when the user performs the task provided by an information or service provider, such as viewing advertisement or using certain internet services, can be used in the mining process. Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore, a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously. Accordingly, certain exemplary embodiments of the present disclosure may reduce computational energy for the mining process as well as make the mining process faster."

Fuck off Bill!


Our DNA is Sacred, It Should Never Be Genetically Modified or Tinkered With By "Science"

Our DNA literally holds our blueprint for life. Per Dr. Carrie Madej, every human being has enough DNA in our bodies that could stretch up to 10 Billion Miles when it's uncoiled. That's equal to about 35 Thousand Terabytes of Data. If you are familiar with megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes, you will understand that 35 thousand terabytes of memory, is unfathomable.

A Gigabyte = 1,000 megabytes

A Terabyte = 1,000 gigabytes

A Petabyte = 1,000 terabytes

A Exabyte = 1,000 petabytes

A Zettabyte = 1,000 Exabytes

A Yottabyte = 1,000 Zettabytes

So, I guess you can safely say that human DNA is about 35 petabytes.

DNA tells the story of our design and creation. It contains information showing how our body functions, grows and how we reproduce. All of our thoughts and memories are encoded within our DNA. Our DNA is similar to binary code / computer code, which is why altering our organic DNA is just like altering binary code in a computer processor, where even the smallest change can and will have a huge effect on the entire processor. DNA can be used to replicate or clone ourselves. Other than hidden knowledge, it would seem like DNA is the most coveted asset in the entire world. The man (or woman) who controls the DNA of others, can literally step in a play the role of "God," in their own quantum neural network transhumanist virtual reality hell. These transhumanist scientists are playing with life itself. They are able to insert a gene into the human genome. They can add something to the genome that was never there, or remove something from the genome so that a gene is missing. They are also able to translocate, which means they can take one part of the genome and move it into another area of the genome, literally altering "God's" design. They can also cut out a part of the genome and insert a synthetic or artificially created piece of genome in our DNA. This is what we mean when we they are injecting the population with a genetically modified cell line. Genetically modified can also be called "synthetic," or "artificial." When you do this to organic DNA you are literally rewriting our organic designed software program. If you look up the ingredients / components in the current Covid-19 (not a)vaccine that the masses are literally begging for, you will notice that it mentions "recombinant RNA." This means they are also using DNA from a different species (non-human) as well as DNA from a male human fetus, which all come together to create their coveted "Recombinant RNA Technology."

This is scary shit people. We have literally reached a point in human history that is unlike anything anyone has ever experienced. The average person is so far removed from the dangers that exist in this reality, that they cannot even begin to fathom how deep the rabbit hole of technological possibilities can go. This is extremely serious, yet, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people online, holding up their Covid vaccine card to show the world how proud they are to be some of the first people to have the balls to take the vaccine. This terrifies me. Not in a way that literally scares me, but in a way where I can consciously sit here and understand that I am witnessing people give away the rights to their mind and bodies, without even understanding the magnitude of the decision they're making. They can joke around and make fun of critical thinkers all they want, but the people receiving the vaccine as we speak, are the first group of humans who are paving the way for the ultimate demise of humanity as a species. Congratulations, give yourself a fucking pat on the back for that one, morons. This "vaccine" will alter our lives in a way that human beings have never experienced. This doesn't even begin to touch on the FACT that each group of humans who accepts the vaccination, will start to develop a HATE for the rest of society who did not accept the vaccine. I look at these humans as casualties of war, that are being converted into the enemy, because whether you realize this or not, these people Are No Longer Human, they are Trans-Human. They are programmable drones who can have memories wiped or memories added. They could have thoughts, feelings and convictions wiped, or have new ones added. These people could literally have their value systems and opinions changed in the snap of a finger, and what most of the truthers that are advocating against the vaccine are failing to even consider, is that these trans-humans can be programmed to attack anyone who threatens their new way of life. Hence, anyone who refuses to accept the vaccine and put's their "sacrifice" and updated wants and needs at risk. With most of the population converted into programmable trans-human beings, a psychopath scientist working for the transhumanists could easily design a memory that represents something traumatic, and simultaneously implant/upload that memory into every trans-human being who is "online" or connected to their Quantum Neural Network. This memory could literally be anything. Let's say they decided to design a memory of an event where all anti-vaxxers who refused to take the vaccine in the USA, waged war against the pro-vaxxers and slaughtered their families during the "second civil war" that took place in February of 2022. Although this sounds like a joke as I type these words, this my friends, is already possible. Now that the public is falling for the trap, they will have to be looked at as the enemy.

All of this is a real possibility.


A Major Catalyst Event on A World-Wide Scale Would Be Needed To Save Humanity From The Psychopaths

The only thing that could stop this transhumanist wet dream from happening would be some type of Major Catalyst Event. An event where humanity can be shown the truth regarding this topic and the crimes being committed. This could only happen if all means of propaganda and lies were shut down for a period of time. All television networks, internet service providers and radio stations would need to be shut down. Any corporation with the power to give you information, in any way, would need to be blocked from access. In my opinion, the only thing that could trigger a major catalyst event of this magnitude, would be a mass trauma event across the world. What I mean is that some sort of human alliance would need to take over all channels of information and provide not just shocking information regarding past and current crimes that have been and continue to be committed against humanity, but mountains and mountains of shocking proof that leaves no room for doubt. It would have to be on a level where any direction a person turned, they would be confronted with these uncomfortable truths, with no where to run. If this did happen, it would act as a catalyst and would trigger and guarantee that humanity would be saved from this evil.

Trauma affects everybody in a different way. It depends on the level or magnitude of the trauma, as well as the direct effect that the specific trauma has on a persons life. Two people could experience the same exact type of trauma, and it could affect them in a different way. Person one and Person two could experience the loss of their father in a car accident. However, if Person one had a much closer relationship with their father, where Person two had been hurt by their father mentally and physically throughout their life, then common sense tells us that Person one would probably be more affected or experience more trauma from the situation than Person 2. Obviously this is not a fact, because the dynamics are always so intricate, that it's impossible to know how a specific trauma will affect someone. Especially when we live in a society that exploits the mind, programs the person and conceals the true nature of reality from everyone. Knowing all of this, there is still a possibility that a portion of society could be permanently damaged by the revealing of information due to the shocking fact that life as we know it has been a lie. Our history and events that past generations of our family members have risked their life or lost their lives to, have not been for a reason other than exploitation by the few against the many. This will not be an easy thing for many people to endure. However, humanity has no other option. It's either show people the extremely uncomfortable truths of their reality, or allow humanity to perish while the trans-human being drones emerge.

Once the mind deals with a trauma, to the point where there is no room left for denial, the next thing that happens is processing and accepting the information. During this stage, people will be thinking back to all of the times they felt one way or another, due to the lies that were told, and they will ask themselves why they were too blind to see the truth. There will be some regret involved, which is normal, and there will be a feeling of disbelief throughout the world. Not disbelief as in "this is not true, I won't believe it," but disbelief as in "I can't believe these disgusting criminals have done this to use for generations and I was a pawn in their game the entire time." Processing the traumatic information is key, because this is the time where people can finally sit back, slow down and really take in the fact that things are much different than what they used to believe before this traumatic event ever occurred.

The next thing that would happen is probably the most exciting. Processing and accepting the truth, followed by anger and the urge for revenge against the very parasites who have committed these crimes. After processing the reality of these hidden truths, humanity and society as a whole would experience a change so massive, that people would immediately have a new sense of togetherness. People would feel a collective incentive unlike anything we've seen in our lifetime. All of the hate and division and prejudice and DIFFERENCES that the ignorant portion of the population currently feel, would be gone in an instant. The way that you felt in the past about your neighbor, or boss, or person that you couldn't stand, would literally mean jack shit. Humanity would feel a sense of togetherness because now, all of the sudden, we have a collective commonality. What we would have in common is that we've all been victimized and programmed and lied to and used and raped and exploited by a group of people who have passed down the wealth, tools, control mechanisms, rituals, occult knowledge, etc from generation to generation. People would have a collective incentive for the first time in their lives.

Will this happen?

I don't know.

To be honest, it's way too difficult for anybody to make a sound decision or give so called expertise regarding the things going on behind the scenes. Every day there is more information coming out, showing that both sides of the coin (good and bad) are still very possible. People will continue to flip flop with their opinions, because nobody wants to be caught up in another psychological operation that's meant to trap people who believe they are in "the know." I don't care what your views are, what your opinions are, what information you follow.. whether you think something is organic.. or if you think something is a setup. I really don't care about any of this, because at the end of the day, you and I don't know shit when it comes to things happening outside of public view. All we can do is watch and witness and see how this all plays out.

This is why only a moron sits back and simply hopes that everything is going to change, or that humanity is about to be saved, or that humanity is about to be led to a mass depopulation event. Complacency is a cancer, any way you look at it. That's why at this point in time, there is nothing we can personally do to change the minds of the programmed masses. All we can do and all that we must continue to put good energy out there and live our lives to the fullest.

I find it ironic that trauma is the only thing that can save humanity, yet, it's trauma that makes mind control programming on a mass level, possible. Humanity has been under such heavy thought control and mind control programming for so long that denialism, cognitive dissonance and Stockholm Syndrome have literally been passed down through multiple generations. Not only are people blind to the true way this world functions, but they've had so much fear and hate programmed into their minds, that they are no different than a bird without wings or a knife without a blade. They are still here, existing in "reality," but they are lacking the tools to function at a normal capacity. They are lacking common sense, critical thinking skills and the ability to use their intuition. Without these traits, you will never be able to function as an asset to society, but only as a detriment to yourself and others. You might be a kindhearted person who goes out of their way for others, but you are not beneficial to the survival and success of the human species, a species literally under attack at this exact moment.

The reality of our current situation is that we can try to warn others who we feel close to in our lives, but don't be surprised if they look at you like you've lost your mind. The fear based programming is too strong for most to avoid. We can present them with facts and years of research, but it doesn't always resonate, especially if they're so triggered by the idea of an alternative possibility, that they won't even give you the time of day or listen to/read the information you're trying to provide. Those of us who reached a point in our lives where we literally said "fuck this, I don't give a shit anymore about the way others view me.. and I refuse to sit back and stay quiet while the world goes to shit," are equipped with spiritual immune systems that wouldn't allow us to remain asleep. At one point we were all asleep, but there was something inside of us that forced us to stop and reconsider everything we were told about the so called "normal way of living" from Hollywood, tainted and hidden history, the (Rockefeller owned) educational system, the "healthcare" system, government, and the 1% interbreeding parasites.

No matter what happens, you should take pride in the fact that you spoke up and made an effort to help people think, in a time where thinking didn't really exist. Even if you aren't someone who has tried to teach and warn others about these things, you should still be proud that you eventually broke the programming that so many people seem incapable of breaking on their own.


The Proof Is Right In Front of Your Face, You Just Have To Look

To end this post, I want to show you that everything I've mentioned (and many censored doctors and unsung heroes have mentioned) is not just some futuristic illusion, it is factual information that cannot be contested or denied. Here is a short clip of Dr. Charles Morgan doing a presentation at West Point in 2018 entitled "Psycho Neurobiology and War." This is just a short clip that highlights some crucial parts of his presentation that breaks down some of the technology that's already in existence. Everything he explains goes hand in hand with everything I've explained in this post, in terms of the current capabilities of the science of DNA alteration. The transhumanist elites are using some of these applications in their attempt to take full control of humanity. You will find a corresponding link below this video that will take you to the full hour presentation where he goes into more detail about the different aspects, capabilities and applications of this technology.

(download full video below)

Dr. Charles Morgan - Psycho-Neurobiology and War. West Point Academy, 2018.

Much love. #3030vision

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