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First of all let me say this:

Youtube is not the place to be getting your information in regards to the true state of XRP, Ripple and the bogus lawsuit filed by the SEC. However, there are only a few people on Youtube that release trustworthy information about this situation. One of those people who I trust whole heartedly is "The Bearable Bull." This man has been putting in countless hours of work to educate the XRP community about the true nature of the current situation. He is highly experienced in the crypto market and his information has been proven time and time again, to be on point! This video will give you an update in regards to the current status of the lawsuit and where we are in the timeline of the lawsuit commencing.

Also, since I want all of you to take full advantage of the situation at hand, if you own XRP you are able to take part in the class action lawsuit that has been filed against the SEC by attorney John Deaton. Deaton is a great lawyer and an XRP holder. The lawsuit alleges that the SEC has stifled innovation and caused irreparable damages to XRP holders by crashing the price of XRP by filing a bogus lawsuit back in December of 2020. All you have to do to take part in the class action lawsuit is fill out your information here.

You can follow John Deaton on Twitter for any and all updates pertaining to the class action lawsuit as well as the SEC lawsuit which seems to be reaching the final stages. It has been revealed that the SEC has nefariously attacked Ripple and XRP with this lawsuit in an attempt to give Bitcoin and Ethereum a free pass. Why would they do this? Because many of these snakes at the SEC including but not limited to William Hinman and Jay Clayton (former SEC chairman who filed bogus lawsuit against Ripple, quit the same day, and then went to work for a hedge fund who focuses on investing in BITCOIN! lol) have profited handsomely from this abomination of a lawsuit.

Here are some resources for you to follow, if you're interested in keeping up with the truth of the lawsuit and bypassing mainstream media fear tactics and bullshit:

Have a fantastic day in the matrix, and remember... you only have one chance to take part in the biggest transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen.

- Matrixbreaker

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